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Detoxifying effects of Probio CA as told to us by our customers

Clinical trial 1


Atopic dermatitis   French Bulldog ( Boy / 3 years old)

“The skin on my dog’s stomach darkened due to the steroid medication for atopic dermatitis that was prescribed by the vet. It worsened even after switching to antihistamine. I stopped the medication, started cooking for my dog, and Probio CA at each meal has improved the problem. Although itching still remains, the dark spot has cleared, and recovery was seen.”

Clinical trial 2


Eye mucus, inflammation of the skin   Shih Tzu ( Girl / 11 years old)

“Due to allergic symptoms, my dog had eye mucus and severe inflammation on the face, and she did not have much appetite and lacked energy. However, one month after starting Probio CA at every meal, improvements were seen. Her appetite came back and the eye mucus and inflammation have improved. Her fur became glossy and grooming became possible.”

Clinical trial 3


Inflammation of the neck  Golden Retriever ( Boy / 4 years old)

“He was suffering from allergic reactions around his collar and there was some inflammation, but feeding Probio CA with his food has made improvements. After one month, inflammation symptoms were alleviated and his fur has improved throughout his body after two months.”

A paper disk is impregnated with Probio CA and an antibacterial test of Probio CA is performed. The “antibacterial testing method of fiber products and antibacterial effect” with its nine qualitative tests (the halo method) was used for reference.


Helicobacter Pylori was used as the test bacteria. An example of the plate medium for testing after finishing cultivation of the antibacterial test is shown in photo samples 1-2. Also, the halo width was calculated using the following formula:


W = (T-D)/2 W = Halo width (mm), T = Total length of the sample and halo (mm), D = Length of the sample (mm)


Concentration of Helicobacter Pylori per plate medium for testing = 52,000


When the existence of the pylori growth-inhibitory zone (halo) formation was checked with a paper soaked in a diluted Probio CA solution, the microbial community of Probio CA in the T part was seen to be dominant, as in sample 1.


The halo displayed in sample 1 was 1.8mm. In sample 2, the microbial community of Probio CA was seen to be dominant across the entire medium.


Bacteria derived from Probio CA were around 380,000/g in sample 1, and around 130,000/g in sample 2.


*Helicobacter Pylori antibacterial test at the Japan Food Research Laboratories, November 2007. Excerpt from test report No. 107092312-001.

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