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Help Furry Friends

We support animal shelters and cooperate to help find homes

for shelter animals.
Among the many shelter animals suffering from skin problems due to allergies and itchiness, there are also those who are weak and have trouble moving.
We are showing our support to alleviate their symptoms and make them feel better so that they can build strong and healthy bodies.

Furry Friends gift support
Those who purchase our signature supplements for keeping shelter animals healthy and treating their skin, intestines condition and bone & joint problem will receive a 20% discount should they purchase it for a shelter.

Please use the
Discount Coupon code when you make your purchase.


Discount Coupon Code 
Furry Friends

*We will deliver the supplements you purchased directly to the shelter listed below.

Should you wish to donate to a particular shelter,
please notify us in the remarks bar when you make your purchase.


Q. Will you tell me which shelter will be receiving the supplements I purchased?
A. Yes. We will send emails to all of our supporting customers after the delivery has been completed.
Q. Why are you delivering "supplements"?
A. We are the signature supplements (Probio CA, Probio CA Plus, Probio Cat, Bio9 and Procian)main distributor in Singapore.
We support the health of not just dogs and cats but many animals.
In particular, we have worked to alleviate the symptoms of animals suffering from allergies or skin diseases that need to be controlled by steroids.
By improving the intestinal environment, immunity is raised.
If animals become more healthy and strong, there will be fewer visits to the veterinarian.
When we visited shelters and learned that many animals are suffering from the symptoms mentioned above, we made a point of offering our support.

Q. Are you offering support to any shelters not included in your list?
A. Of course! Please
notify us in the remarks bar when you make your purchase
or email us.

Q. Will you be delivering the supplements directly to the shelter?
A. We will take the responsibility of delivering
all the supplements you purchased for this program directly to the shelter.
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